Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stardoll-not a priority anymore

You probably remember one of my latest posts.It was about Stardoll obsession.If not,you can see it by clicking here

You probably see I'm not writing here often.Actually my last post was on 24th May.There is a small activity in the blog since the other writers are not writing too.I don't know what are their reasons,but I'll tell you mine.

I mentioned the article.And the Stardoll obsession.Well,I think I'm not suffering from it anymore.I am spending far too little time now on Stardoll.I'm not interested in it anymore,as it used to be.And now this makes me feel better.
Stardoll used to be my own little universe,where I could be myself,talk with people,etc. It used to be like my cage,where I was hiding from the real world.It shouldn't be like that.I have to have my life outside Stardoll,right?
To be honest,virtual world played pranks on me which caused me problems in real life.
Anyway,I've learnt my lesson.I should concentrate on my real life and on my real life friends.

So this is my reason for not writing here a lot.Yeah,I still will be here,if Lyndsie decides to keep me,of course.If she thinks I'll be useful for that blog,it's not a problem for me to write here sometimes. :)


Lyndsie said...

Sophie thats great! I totally agree with you, in fact this is the 2nd time i have even gone on the internet for a whole week!

All that I ask is that my writters post at least 1 time a week. But more would be great! :]

Emma said...'re completely right and i'm glad you've got the courage to speak up! a lot of girls give stardoll hours everyday...which will give them virtually nothing thirty years from now. i give it fifteen minutes of my day (for the friends i've made on it)...and then it's back to the real world for me. great job! :)