Friday, September 11, 2009

Ha Ha HA!

I just love it when "anonymous" people leave comments on my blog telling me what's wrong with me. It's so funny. I'm thinking ok first of all you wont even leave your name, what a coward you are! And then second of all, people that say they hate you are just and insecure about themselves. I also think it's pretty funny when people say that your blogs sucks. Well hello! I swear like everyone on Stardoll has their own blog, and the last time I checked mine looks a lot better then most of them, plus we update you on the important things. So go choose another blog to bash on. Also it doesn't really matter what your medoll looks like. Its just a bunch of pixels. Who gives a crap about it anyways...oh yeah those friend-less girls that spend their whole life on Stardoll.
So ya. Ha ha HA! :D


Anonymous said...

You know Lyndsie, this is a boring theme for a boring staff. You don't do good updates, only stupid, unrelated ones. (Like that Texting while driving thing and the New Moon Countdown) You have a staff that would do a better job comatose, and you would do better if your account was hacked by -Who else? Me.- I used to be a fan of the blog, until the good authors left. Get them all back and I will reveal my true identity to everyone. Here's a hint- You know me. I know you. I know your flaws. I know everything about you. I know that you won't think of me when you are reading this...

Get at least two of the old writers back, or I will always be your lovely little "Anonymous".

Lyndsie said...


I really don't give a fuck about what you think.

And I don't get rid of authors, they choose the leave themselves. So talk to them about it, if they want to come back I'll be glad to have them.


Emma said...

yikes...some little "anonymous" person got her panties in a wad!

some of us have lives outside of stardoll, so we're not around to update the blog all of the time...

sounds like our "anonymous" person might be an old writer herself!

keep it up Lyndsie!

Erin said...

Wow. Someone's got a grudge, maybe? Or they have no life and enjoy wasting time being a hater or whatever.

Lyndsie said...

Or maybe they just believe everything they hear and don't bother to find out if it's the truth or not. :D