Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Thanks for the banner! Its great!!

Today as I was going through the starbazaar I noticed everyone was selling that free, blue water dress. People were selling it for a range of different prices some for $2 some for $60.
This dress i believe was designed by Rose.princess
I know if I were her I would be quite upset to see the dress being sold. She probably put in a lot of effort making the dress and then to see people trying to sell it and get rid of it. I just think this is unfair. She has designed the dress in many different colours and I think she has sold a lot of them but here is a pcture of three of the dresses she designed. The dress she is wearing is the free dress but the ones beside her are all designed by her!

Sorry if you are one of the people but I just wanted to share my opinion.

Here is a link to Rose.pincess 's suite

1 comment:

Emma said...

i completely agree...making those takes a lot of time and talent!