Saturday, April 25, 2009

Frusterating, Group Twitter & Goodbye

As you can see all the side bar items are on the bottom. I have not touched them at all. When I go to the page where you arrange them they are still in the regular spots but when you view the blog they are all at the bottom. Does anyone have any tips? =]
We have a group twitter! Our user name is stardollng. I am so excited for this. So watch for everyone to start posting on that & make sure that if you have a twitter that you follow us! =]
Also my family just has one computer (is that normal now? lol) and its a laptop and the power cord got torn and now you can only use the computer if the cord is just in a certain like special spot and doesn't move. So anyways I am expecting it to not work at all in a few days and that when it does break that no one will even bother to get a new cord right I am saying goodbye for when the time comes where I will not be on here for a while. Lame I know but I just felt/wanted to tell you all that. =]

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